
Doug Schnelzer wrote:

Just wanted to say thanks and let you know that I am implementing a number
of scenarios to fully understand what is going on, but everything that you
have explained thus far is working well for me.

Good... but you never know when I might mess up or a bug might crop up... don't hesitate to email here!

Can all of the info in the WEB-INF/pages
directory be stored in the database instead of file based?

Not yet. I am currently looking at a JCMS page manager implementation and am suposed to have it
going by now, but am a tad bit behind.

Second, I
need to integrate Jetspeed2 authentication with an existing Oracle table of
usernames and passwords.  Would you mind pointing me in the right place to
get started?

Depends on what you need to do. Either configure JAAS to use your login source or implement your own
SecurityValve and inject it in the J2 pipeline using pipelines.xml. I am not familar with all of the options, (I
have not had to do this), but there should be more information in the lists. If not, send more email to this
list and David/Scott can certainly help.


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