FYI J2 Developers:

I wanted to deploy a new portlet in Jetspeed2 and took the following steps:

1) deployed the portlet war (worked)
2) made changes to my PSML in order to place my new portlet in an existing
page by overwriting a previous fragment

My portlet displays fine except for the title ... I'm seeing some strange
behavior, the following line of velocity code (taken from a portlet
decorator) returns the overwritten fragment's previous portlet title instead
of the title from my new fragment(portlet) ...

$!jetspeed.getTitle($myPE, $myF)

All my new portlet's deployment info is correct, J2 appears to be "caching"
the previous fragment's title somewhere.  Anyone know where I can clear
this?  I can't seem to find it in the database.  Where do fragments/portlet
entities get "cached"?  Is it outside the database?

- Frank

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