Hello all, im new here.. pardon me if this has been covered before.
Just did a fresh checkout of JS2 from CVS and tried to follow the
"Gettin Started" guide on the website. Opened up 2 shells, started the
test.server and then tried to run maven allClean allBuild.

Got this error:

File...... e:\development\projects\jetspeed\jakarta-jetspeed-2\maven.xml
Element... maven:reactor
Line...... 181
Column.... 40
Unable to obtain goal [catalina:base-shared] -- e:\development\projects\jetspeed
\jakarta-jetspeed-2\portal\maven.xml:524:115: <copy> Failed to copy C:\Documents
 and Settings\ramin\.maven\repository\pluto\jars\pluto-1.0.1-rc1.jar to \\shared
\lib\pluto-1.0.1-rc1.jar due to \\shared\lib\pluto-1.0.1-rc1.jar (The network pa
th was not found)
Total time: 4 minutes 14 seconds
Finished at: Wed Feb 23 19:35:57 EST 2005

I noticed some packages would not download.. could be the cause of the problem?

- Ramin

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