Hi Shah,

this will be very usefull, thank you for your help.

mfg Matthias

            "Shah Amit"                   To:   
jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org                                        .       
            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       cc:   (bcc: Matthias Koch/ENTORY/GDB)      
            m>                            Subject:    RE: searching a Spring 
Portlet example [Deutsche Boerse                                    
                                     Systems:Virus checked]                     
            16.03.2005 15:00                                                    
            Please respond to                                                   
            "Jetspeed Users List"                                               

I have a small example using spring to manage my business logic classes,
they are called by struts action classes.

I will mail you that once I package everything up.


----Original Message Follows----
Reply-To: "Jetspeed Users List" <jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org>
To: jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: searching a Spring Portlet example [Deutsche Boerse Systems:Virus
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 14:50:29 +0100


I still search for a Spring applikation witch run as a portlet under

I  have tried to get the petclinic, countries and sample MVC  Spring
applications to run as portlets but without success.
searching for the sample application:

from the config sample was also without succuess.

may be someone have a little example for me, it can be very small (Hello
Spring Portlet)

Thank you very much

mfg Matthias
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