Hi to all.
I've experienced a problem with my jfs partition sitting on a striping of 2 disks.
I've noticed some problems with the stripe ...so I have done a fsck on the jfs 
partition ...
At the beginning it seems to fix some problems ...but after a mount ...I can't see a 
directory anymore.
So I decided to start another fsck on the hard drive ...after that I can't mount 
anymore the partion.

The fsck says that the partition is clean but a fsck -n says:

The current device is:  /dev/ataraid/d0p2
Block size in bytes:  4096
Filesystem size in blocks:  38837137
**Phase 1 - Check Blocks, Files/Directories, and  Directory Entries
Secondary file/directory allocation structure (4) is not a correct redundant copy of 
primary structure.
File system checked READ ONLY.
Filesystem is clean.

xpeek output (su)

> su
[1] s_magic:            'JFS1'          [15] s_ait2.addr1:      0x00
[2] s_version:          1               [16] s_ait2.addr2:      0x0000129f
[3] s_size:     0x000000001283b5e8           s_ait2.address:    4767
[4] s_bsize:            4096            [17] s_logdev:          0x00007202
[5] s_l2bsize:          12              [18] s_logserial:       0x00000023
[6] s_l2bfactor:        3               [19] s_logpxd.len:      8192
[7] s_pbsize:           512             [20] s_logpxd.addr1:    0x00
[8] s_l2pbsize:         9               [21] s_logpxd.addr2:    0x02507b91
[9] pad:                Not Displayed        s_logpxd.address:  38828945
[10] s_agsize:          0x00080000      [22] s_fsckpxd.len:     1236
[11] s_flag:            0x10200900      [23] s_fsckpxd.addr1:   0x00
                        JFS_LINUX       [24] s_fsckpxd.addr2:   0x025076bd
        JFS_COMMIT      JFS_GROUPCOMMIT      s_fsckpxd.address: 38827709
                        JFS_INLINELOG   [25] s_time.tv_sec:     0x3eac74fa
                                        [26] s_time.tv_nsec:    0x00000000
                                        [27] s_fpack:           ''
[12] s_state:           0x00000000
[13] s_compress:        0
[14] s_ait2.len:        4


xpeek output s2p
> s2p
[1] s_magic:            'JFS1'          [16] s_aim2.len:        2
[2] s_version:          1               [17] s_aim2.addr1:      0x00
[3] s_size:     0x000000001283b5e8      [18] s_aim2.addr2:      0x0000129d
[4] s_bsize:            4096                 s_aim2.address:    4765
[5] s_l2bsize:          12              [19] s_logdev:          0x00007202
[6] s_l2bfactor:        3               [20] s_logserial:       0x00000023
[7] s_pbsize:           512             [21] s_logpxd.len:      8192
[8] s_l2pbsize:         9               [22] s_logpxd.addr1:    0x00
[9]  s_agsize:          0x00080000      [23] s_logpxd.addr2:    0x02507b91
[10] s_flag:            0x10200900           s_logpxd.address:  38828945
             LINUX                      [24] s_fsckpxd.len:     1236
    GROUPCOMMIT                         [25] s_fsckpxd.addr1:   0x00
                INLINELOG               [26] s_fsckpxd.addr2:   0x025076bd
                                             s_fsckpxd.address: 38827709
[11] s_state:           0x00000000      [27] s_fsckloglen:      50
                CLEAN                   [28] s_fscklog:         2
[12] s_compress:        0               [29] s_fpack:           '        '
[13] s_ait2.len:        4
[14] s_ait2.addr1:      0x00
[15] s_ait2.addr2:      0x0000129f
     s_ait2.address:    4767


Thanks in advance,
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