Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

> I've suggested people who need this drop back to JiBX 1.2.1, if that 
> works for them. I've gotten bogged down with other tasks and haven't 
> gotten back to fixing the Axis2 support to work with JiBX 1.2.2/1.2.3 
> yet - I'll do the 1.2.3 release once this is done.

thank you, JiBX 1.2.1 works fine for me!

>>     [bind] java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class A cannot access its 
>> superclass B
> I don't know offhand of anything which could cause this. If you can 
> create a Jira with an example build that demonstrates the problem I'll 
> make sure I investigate it before the 1.2.3 release.

this was a bug in my code (the superclass was not declared as public :)

Thank you very much for spending time in answering my questions!


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