On 12/3/2015 4:47 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
On 12/02/2015 04:49 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
Now we reach the disagreement. We don't think the module declaration
will be as fluid as you do. Yes, frameworks and other tools will want to
modify module declarations (usually by addition of dependencies or
exports) but that's a handful of actors, all of whom are perfectly
capable of using ASM. 99.99% of humans have no business modifying
someone else's module declaration by hand, so there is no reason for it
to be easy.

I am baffled as to the basis for this assertion.  This kind of change in
fact happens (present tense) frequently - very frequently if you have
any kind of system for updates.  Modules get split or merged,
implementations from one vendor get swapped out for another, multiple
versions of things are introduced.  I honestly can say that I do not
understand how the Jigsaw team arrives at this kind of conclusion with
literally zero production experience!

If you're splitting or merging modules -- especially someone else's! -- then you need to let the compiler check that the newly factored modules are well-formed: they export packages that they actually contain, and they don't read anything that would lead to a split package. (The constraints in j.l.m.Configuration::resolve, basically.)

Similarly, if you're changing a module to require a module by Vendor X rather than Vendor Y, then you'll want the compiler to check that your module isn't led by Vendor X's module to read anything that would lead to a split package.

Better to modify module-info.java and recompile it and catch these issues up front, than modify MANIFEST.MF and run the main module and hope the tests catch them.


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