> On 11 Mar 2016, at 10:39, Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com> wrote:
> I've refreshed the webrevs here:
>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/8142968/2

I browsed the code. Generally the feeling i get is it’s of good quality. 
Previously some of this area was quite legacy and it is refreshing to view more 
modern code.

Comments below, only the first is something i think we should really change, 
the others are up to you.

Once Jigsaw goes in i wonder if we should opportunistically revisit the use of 
URL and Enumeration with class loaders?



  72                 // java.base may not be able to read the bundleClass's 
  73                 PrivilegedAction<Void> pa1 = () -> { 
ctor.setAccessible(true); return null; };
  74                 AccessController.doPrivileged(pa1);
  75                 try {
  76                     return ctor.newInstance((Object[]) null);
  77                 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
  79                 } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException 
e) {
  80                     throw new InternalError(e);
  81                 }
  82             } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
  83             }
  84         }
  85         return null;
  86     }

Please avoid the use of Unsafe here, use a sneaky throw instead if necessary, 
or wrap.

That Unsafe method needs to die!


2476     @CallerSensitive
2477     public URL getResource(String name) {
2478         name = resolveName(name);
2480         // if this Class and the caller are in the same named module
2481         // then attempt to get URL to the resource in the module
2482         Module module = getModule();
2483         if (module.isNamed()) {
2484             Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
2485             if (caller != null && caller.getModule() == module) {
2486                 String mn = getModule().getName();
2487                 ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader0();
2488                 try {
2489                     if (cl == null) {
2490                         return BootLoader.findResource(mn, name);
2491                     } else {
2492                         return cl.findResource(mn, name);
2493                     }
2494                 } catch (IOException ioe) {
2495                     return null;
2496                 }
2497             }
2498         }

The method getResourceAsStream has an optimisation for a BuiltinClassLoader:

2412                     // special-case built-in class loaders to avoid the
2413                     // need for a URL connection
2414                     if (cl == null) {
2415                         return BootLoader.findResourceAsStream(mn, name);
2416                     } else if (cl instanceof BuiltinClassLoader) {
2417                         return ((BuiltinClassLoader) 
cl).findResourceAsStream(mn, name);
2418                     } else {
2419                         URL url = cl.findResource(mn, name);
2420                         return (url != null) ? url.openStream() : null;
2421                     }

Is that something you plan to include for getResource too at some point?


1777         // define Package object if the named package is not yet defined
1778         NamedPackage p = packages.computeIfAbsent(name,
1779                                                   k -> 
NamedPackage.toPackage(name, m));
1780         if (p instanceof Package)
1781             return (Package)p;
1783         // otherwise, replace the NamedPackage object with Package object
1784         return (Package)packages.compute(name, this::toPackage);

You could merge the computeIfAbsent and compute into a single compute call if 
you so wish.

return (Package)packages.compute((n, p) -> {
  // define Package object if the named package is not yet defined
  if (p == null) return NamedPackage.toPackage(name, m);
  // otherwise, replace the NamedPackage object with Package object
  return (p instanceof Package) ? p : toPackage(n, p);

2553     /**
2554      * Returns the ServiceCatalog for modules defined to this class loader,
2555      * creating it if it doesn't already exist.
2556      */
2557     ServicesCatalog createOrGetServicesCatalog() {
2558         ServicesCatalog catalog = servicesCatalog;
2559         if (catalog == null) {
2560             catalog = new ServicesCatalog();
2561             boolean set = trySetObjectField("servicesCatalog", catalog);
2562             if (!set) {
2563                 // beaten by someone else
2564                 catalog = servicesCatalog;
2565             }
2566         }
2567         return catalog;
2568     }
2570     // the ServiceCatalog for modules associated with this class loader.
2571     private volatile ServicesCatalog servicesCatalog;
2574     /**
2575      * Attempts to atomically set a volatile field in this object. Returns
2576      * {@code true} if not beaten by another thread. Avoids the use of
2577      * AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater in this class.
2578      */
2579     private boolean trySetObjectField(String name, Object obj) {
2580         Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
2581         Class<?> k = ClassLoader.class;
2582         long offset;
2583         try {
2584             Field f = k.getDeclaredField(name);
2585             offset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(f);
2586         } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
2587             throw new InternalError(e);
2588         }
2589         return unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this, offset, null, obj);
2590     }

If you can syncrhonize on this, just use double checked locking?


 791                 // ## FIXME
 792                 // assert 
F_SPECIES_DATA.getDeclaredAnnotation(Stable.class) != null;

That’s odd. Why did that need commenting out?


That’s quite some trick to create PUBLIC_LOOKUP :-) spinning up a new class 
(“Unamed”) in a new class loader. If that mechanism is gonna stay and If there 
are costs associated with that, we could easily skip the ASM part and use hard 
coded bytes.


 636         private static final WeakCache<Module, List<Class<?>>, Class<?>> 
proxyCache =
 637             new WeakCache<>(new KeyFactory<Module>(),
 638                 new BiFunction<Module, List<Class<?>>, Class<?>>()  {
 639                     @Override
 640                     public Class<?> apply(Module m, List<Class<?>> 
interfaces) {
 641                         Objects.requireNonNull(m);
 642                         return defineProxyClass(m, interfaces);
 643                     }
 644             });

Wild idea: this feels like an equivalent of j.l.i.ClassValue for Module.

 781         static Set<Class<?>> referencedTypes(ClassLoader loader, 
List<Class<?>> interfaces) {
 782             Set<Class<?>> types = new HashSet<>();
 783             for (Class<?> intf : interfaces) {
 784                 for (Method m : intf.getMethods()) {
 785                     // return type, parameter types, and exception types
 788                                   Arrays.stream(m.getExceptionTypes()))
 789                           .map(ProxyBuilder::getElementType)
 790                           .filter(t -> !t.isPrimitive())
 791                           .forEach(types::add);
 792                 }
 793             }
 794             return types;
 795         }

Use Stream.flatMap e.g.

  interfaces.stream().flatMap(i -> Stream.of(i.getMethods()).
    flatMap(m -> f(m) /*extract all types on method*/).

Stream<Class<?>> f(Method m) {
  return Stream.of(new Class[] {m.getReturnType()}, m.getParameterTypes(), 
    flatMap(a -> Stream.of(a));

 939         private static final WeakHashMap<ClassLoader, Module> 
dynProxyModules = new WeakHashMap<>();
 940         private static final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
 942         /*
 943          * Define a dynamic module for the generated proxy classes in a 
non-exported package
 944          * named com.sun.proxy.$MODULE.
 945          *
 946          * Each class loader will have one dynamic module.
 947          */
 948         static synchronized Module getDynamicModule(ClassLoader loader) {
 949             Module m = dynProxyModules.get(loader);
 950             if (m == null) {
 951                 String mn = "jdk.proxy" + counter.incrementAndGet();
 952                 String pn = PROXY_PACKAGE_PREFIX + "." + mn;
 953                 m = Modules.defineModule(loader, mn, 
 954                 Modules.addReads(m, Proxy.class.getModule());
 955                 // java.base to create proxy instance
 956                 Modules.addExports(m, pn, Object.class.getModule());
 957                 dynProxyModules.put(loader, m);
 958             }
 959             return m;
 960         }

Consider using computeIfAbsent. At the moment no need for AtomicInteger.

1055     @CallerSensitive
1056     public static Object newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader,
1057                                           Class<?>[] interfaces,
1058                                           InvocationHandler h) {
1059         Objects.requireNonNull(h);
1061         final List<Class<?>> intfs = Arrays.asList(interfaces.clone());

Use List.of, which will also clone? This presumes that there are no null values 
in the array.


 198                 while (c.isArray()) {
 199                     c = c.getComponentType();
 200                 }

This pattern is occurring a number of times.

Memo: add a method on Arrays, or somewhere…,


  56     private static final ImageReader reader = 

reader -> READER


  77     private static final Map<String, List<Locale>> candidatesMap = new 

candidatesMap -> CANDIDATES_MAP


 114 // Sparc to read unaligned content
 115 // u8 l = (*(u8*) ptr);
 116 // If ptr is not aligned, sparc will fail.
 117 u8 ImageDecompressor::getU8(u1* ptr, Endian *endian) {
 118     u8 ret;
 119     if (endian->is_big_endian()) {
 120         ret = (u8)ptr[0] << 56 | (u8)ptr[1] << 48 | (u8)ptr[2]<<40 | 
(u8)ptr[3]<<32 |
 121                 ptr[4]<<24 | ptr[5]<<16 | ptr[6]<<8 | ptr[7];
 122     } else {
 123         ret = ptr[0] | ptr[1]<<8 | ptr[2]<<16 | ptr[3]<<24 | 
(u8)ptr[4]<<32 |
 124                 (u8)ptr[5]<<40 | (u8)ptr[6]<<48 | (u8)ptr[7]<<56;
 125     }
 126     return ret;
 127 }
 129 u4 ImageDecompressor::getU4(u1* ptr, Endian *endian) {
 130     u4 ret;
 131     if (endian->is_big_endian()) {
 132         ret = ptr[0] << 24 | ptr[1]<<16 | (ptr[2]<<8) | ptr[3];
 133     } else {
 134         ret = ptr[0] | ptr[1]<<8 | (ptr[2]<<16) | ptr[3]<<24;
 135     }
 136     return ret;
 137 }

I dunno if hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/bytes.hpp can be leveraged here.


 460     private static boolean isAttributeDisallowed(String name) {
 461         Set<String> notAllowed = predefinedNotAllowed;
 462         if (notAllowed == null) {
 463             notAllowed = Stream.of(
 464                     "ConstantValue",
 465                     "Code",
 466                     "StackMapTable",
 467                     "Exceptions",
 468                     "EnclosingMethod",
 469                     "Signature",
 470                     "LineNumberTable",
 471                     "LocalVariableTable",
 472                     "LocalVariableTypeTable",
 473                     "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations",
 474                     "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations",
 475                     "RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations",
 476                     "RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations",
 477                     "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations",
 478                     "RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations",
 479                     "AnnotationDefault",
 480                     "BootstrapMethods",
 481                     "MethodParameters")
 482                     .collect(Collectors.toSet());
 483             predefinedNotAllowed = notAllowed;

Consider using Set.of

 484         }
 486         if (notAllowed.contains(name)) {
 487             return true;
 488         } else {
 489             return false;
 490         }
 491     }


 145     default Optional<ByteBuffer> read(String name) throws IOException {
 146         final int BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
 147         final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8;
 149         InputStream in = open(name).orElse(null);
 150         if (in == null) {
 151             // not found
 152             return Optional.empty();
 153         }
 155         try (in) {
 156             int capacity = in.available();
 157             if (capacity == 0)
 158                 capacity = BUFFER_SIZE;
 160             byte[] buf = new byte[capacity];
 161             int nread = 0;
 162             int n;
 163             for (;;) {

Use InputStream.readAllBytes?


  56     private static final Set<Requires.Modifier> MANDATED =
  57         Collections.singleton(Requires.Modifier.MANDATED);
  58     private static final Set<Requires.Modifier> PUBLIC =
  59         Collections.singleton(Requires.Modifier.PUBLIC);

Set.of ?

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