(1) JrtFilePath: it does not seem to help performance to use the byte[] as the
                 internal storage.

(2) AbstractJrtFilesystem.java

       if (syntax.equalsIgnoreCase(GLOB_SYNTAX)) {
            expr = JrtUtils.toRegexPattern(input);
        } else if (syntax.equalsIgnoreCase(REGEX_SYNTAX)) {
             expr = input;
        } else {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Syntax '" + syntax
                        + "' not recognized");

(3) can't JrtFileSystem use sun.nio.fs.Globs ? instead of its own copy?

(4) JrtFilesystem.nodesToIterator()

    Stream has a "iterator() method. why need a collect() here? different 
    for example

      private Iterator<Path> nodesToIterator(AbstractJrtPath dir, List<Node> 
childNodes) {
        return childNodes.stream()
                         .map(child -> 


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