Don't forget that my changes were based on 1.8 because that's all I could get for 
source (The nightly builds aren't getting put out there and I can't get to CVS).

It may be safe to assume those methods didn't change in CVS after 1.8 but you should 
probably check that just to be sure if you haven't already.



>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/19/02 04:30PM >>>

1. The compiler and matcher definitions were private.

2. I think you forgot to include:

    Public final static String TEST_PATTERNS = "Assertion.test_patterns";

I'll post the patch to bugzilla shortly.


Scott Eade
Backstage Technologies Pty. Ltd. 
.Mac Chat/AIM: seade at mac dot com

On 20/12/2002 4:14 AM, "Jonathan Carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here are all the changes again, but with thread protection added for
> Perl5Compiler and pre-compilation of all regex patterns.  I included the full
> methods since it seemed easier to do and because I added javadoc where there
> was none.  Any news on getting the nightly builds going again?
> 1) The compiler and matcher field definitions replace the existing ones.  (I
> don't remember what the original access level was, but I think they were
> protected.
> 2) The default constructor is a replacement.
> 3) The #getTestPatterns() method is new.
> 4) The #evaluateResponse method is a replacement.
>   protected transient static ThreadLocal compiler =
>       new ThreadLocal()
>       {
>           protected Object initialValue()
>           {
>               return new Perl5Compiler();
>           }
>       };
>   protected transient static ThreadLocal matcher =
>       new ThreadLocal()
>       {
>           protected Object initialValue()
>           {
>               return new Perl5Matcher();
>           }
>       };
>   /************************************************************
>    *  Constructs a ResponseAssertion instance.
>    ***********************************************************/
>   public ResponseAssertion()
>   {
>       setProperty(TEST_STRINGS,new ArrayList());
>       // This ThreadLocal inner class assumes that all test strings will be
>       // set before it is accessed the first time.  It should be a safe
>       // assumption since it is only accessed from the #evaluateResponse
>       // method.  If a test string cannot be compiled, this will add the
>       // MalformedPatternException instead of the compiled pattern.
>       ThreadLocal testPatterns =
>           new ThreadLocal()
>           {
>               protected Object initialValue()
>               {
>                   List compiledPatternList = new ArrayList();
>                   Iterator iterator = getTestStrings().iterator();
>                   Perl5Compiler localCompiler = (Perl5Compiler)
> compiler.get();
>                   while (iterator.hasNext())
>                   {
>                       String stringPattern = (String);
>                       try
>                       {
> compiledPatternList.add(localCompiler.compile(stringPattern));
>                       }
>                       catch (MalformedPatternException e)
>                       {
>                           compiledPatternList.add(e);
>                       }
>                   }
>                   return compiledPatternList;
>               }
>           };
>       setProperty(TEST_PATTERNS, testPatterns);
>   }
>   /**
>    * Returns a list of compiled regex patterns.  If a test string is not
>    * compilable into a pattern, then a MalformedPatternException will be in
>    * the list in place of the compiled pattern.
>    * @return a list of compiled regex patterns and MalformedPatternExceptions
>    */
>   private List getTestPatterns()
>   {
>       ThreadLocal testPatterns = (ThreadLocal) getProperty(TEST_PATTERNS);
>       List patternList = (List) testPatterns.get();
>       return patternList;
>   }
>   /**
>    * Make sure the response satisfied the specified assertion requirements.
>    * @param response an instance of SampleResult
>    * @return an instance of AssertionResult
>    */
>   private AssertionResult evaluateResponse(SampleResult response)
>   {
>       boolean pass = true;
>       boolean not = (NOT & getTestType()) > 0;
>       AssertionResult result = new AssertionResult();
>       try
>       {
>           String responseString = new String(response.getResponseData());
>           // Get the matcher for this thread
>           Perl5Matcher localMatcher = (Perl5Matcher) this.matcher.get();
>           Iterator iter = getTestPatterns().iterator();
>           while (iter.hasNext())
>           {
>               Object element =;
>               // I know this is strange looking but ThreadLocal#initialValue()
>               // won't let you throw an exception
>               if (element instanceof MalformedPatternException)
>               {
>                   throw (MalformedPatternException) element;
>               }
>               Pattern pattern = (Pattern) element;
>               boolean found;
>               if ((CONTAINS & getTestType()) > 0)
>               {
>                   found = localMatcher.contains(responseString, pattern);
>               }
>               else
>               {
>                   found = localMatcher.matches(responseString, pattern);
>               }
>               pass = not ? !found : found;
>               if (!pass)
>               {
>                   result.setFailure(true);
>                   result.setFailureMessage(
>                           "Test Failed, expected " + notMessage + failMessage
> + pattern);
>                   break;
>               }
>           }
>           if(pass)
>           {
>               result.setFailure(false);
>           }
>           result.setError(false);
>       }
>       catch(MalformedPatternException e)
>       {
>           result.setError(true);
>           result.setFailure(false);
>           result.setFailureMessage("Bad test configuration"+e);
>       }
>       return result;
>   }

Scott Eade
Backstage Technologies Pty. Ltd. 
Mobile: 0403 278 908
.Mac Chat/AIM: seade at mac dot com

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