Basically, I have a test plan that has two thread groups in it.

The two groups need to perform their operations concurrently, however, the 
second group must run for as long as the first one is running (the run 
time of the first group SHOULD NOT vary much but it is not outside the 
realm of the reasonable to believe that it COULD vary so it isn't entirely 
predictable). Once the first group ends, the second one must perform a 
given operation and then also finish.

I was looking for an appropriate trigger to signal the end of a thread 
group's execution.

I looked into the conditions under which the testEnded method gets called 
in TestListeners and as far as I can discern, each time a thread is ended, 
the engine checks if this is the last test thread remaining over all 
(including all thread groups) and if it is, the test is considered ended. 
So it doesn't seem like the threads, once started, have any recollection 
of belonging to a given threadgroup (right?). So it's entirely possible 
that there is no such way of tracking the end of all the threads in a 
given group, I just wanted to see if that was accurate.


05/18/2005 02:27 PM
Please respond to "JMeter Users List"

        To:     JMeter Users List <>
        Subject:        Re: Capturing a threadgroup's end of execution

Just wondering - why do you need to do this?

> Hello,
> I was wondering if there was a way in JMeter to identify when all the
> threads of a given ThreadGroup have finished executing (a bit like
> implementing the TestListener interface allows you to know when an 
> test ends). If there is no straightforward way of doing this is there a
> circuitous way?
> Thanks in advance,
> Vince

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