
Recent postings have considered 'monitor' and possible alternatives to display 
measurements, bond and torsion angles etc

e.g. Miguel said
>It seems that many people want to use 'monitor' to create artificial
>bonds. The combination of 'monitor 1 2' and 'set monitor off'.
>This is incompatible with the Jmol design. For example, measurements are
>drawn 'above' the atoms so that they will remain visible, even if the
>atoms are at 100% spacefill.
>Therefore, I am probably going to implement a new command in Jmol called
>'measure'. Then 'monitor' can do whatever is necessary for RasMol/Chime
>compatibility, and 'measure' can be used for measurements.

It would be good if some version of 'set picking' could also be implemented with 
'monitor' (or it's alternative) as this allows for interactive measurements of bond 
lengths, angles torsions etc. This assumes it's not already in Jmol and I've missed it!

The RasMol Manual says
Measuring Distances, Angles and Torsions: Interactive measurement of distances, angles 
and torsions is achieved using the commands: 'set picking distance', 'set picking 
monitor', 'set picking angle' and 'set picking torsion', respectively. In these modes, 
clicking on an atom results in it being identified on the rasmol command line. In 
addition every atom picked increments a modulo counter such that in distance mode, 
every second atom displays the distance (or distance monitor) between this atom and 
the previous one. In angle mode, every third atom displays the angle between the 
previous three atoms and in torsion mode every fourth atom displays the torsion 
between the last four atoms. By holding down the shift key while picking an atom, this 
modulo counter is not incremented and allows, for example, the distances of 
consecutive atoms from a fixed atom to be displayed. See the 'monitor' command for how 
to control the display of distance monitor lines and labels. 




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