Miguel Howard schrieb:

Jan wrote:

please keep this compatible with single click and PickCallBack

Single click should now call the PickCallBack

set picking ident
is the default.

It is the default ... and there currently is nothing else.

and give
a MessageCallBack which could be checked by a script (think about the
reverse cyclohexan tutorial e.g. 'show me what is trans to Br').

I do not understand what you mean. What type of MessageCallBack do you

like in RasMol, if I said:
set picking distance
Atom #1: [ARG]97:E.NH2 (1062)
Atom #2: [ARG]173:E.NH2 (1722)
Distance [ARG]97:E.NH2 - [ARG]173:E.NH2 = 19.211

Are you saying that you get all this text sent to you as a single string?

yes, in RasMol

When does it happen?

1st click 1st atom
2nd click 2nd atom plus distance if in
set picking distance

As the atoms are picked? Or all at once in the end?

and according for
set picking  angle
set picking torsion
set picking coord

to get a console echo of what is picked (and the same is true for your
double click) is important, it is sometimes difficult to decide what
atom is double click - e.g. with cpk rendering).


There are also currently bugs in the code so that it sometimes returns the
wrong atom. I have heard that Jmol is better than Chime in this area, but
it still is not correct.

what should be added to Jmol are the RasMol and Chime commands
set picking atom
set picking group
set picking chain
which allow the single click selection toggle on the bases of atom,
group and chain selection,

In general, I do not like the idea of a picking *mode* which changes
the behavior of the selection mechanism based upon a script command.

I used this often, and toggle between atom and group.

I am thinking about mouse gestures which would allow one to make these
types of selections at any time.

I want you to be able to pick these things with just the mouse ... single
click for atom, double click for group, triple click for chain.

Good, but not while running a script.

But I want you to do these things without going into a 'group mode'. In
modern word processors (anything in the last +/-20 years) you do not go
into 'word select mode' to select words instead of characters.

and modification by shift = add to, and Ctrl
= remove from selection, this is a very nice RasMol feature.

Shift + Left Click will be used for something related to selections.

We cannot use CTRL Left Click because it conflicts with MacOSX

What is the Mac toggle clicked and add to already selected?

I do not understand the distinction that you are making between 'adding
to' a selection and 'removing from' a selection.

That is only current behavior, I don't like it very much

When you are selecting multiple items doesn't the same mouse gesture
generally 'toggle' the selection?

That is good in deed, my I cite the already discussed Java guidelines:
Follow the general JFC-provided rules for selection in selectable lists and tables:
1. A click on an object deselects any existing selection and selects the object.
2. A Shift-click on an object extends the selection from the most recently selected object to the current object.

this means in context of biopolymere, follow the chain.

3. A Control-click on an object toggles its selection without affecting the selection of any other objects. This operation can result in disjoint selections.

Especially in combination with
show selected groups
show selected atoms

In response to 'show selected atoms', does MessageCallBack send the string
exactly as RasMol would send it? What happens with the newline characters?

show selected group
lists all the groups that have atoms selected and how many atoms e.g (2/17) if only two atoms of the group are currently selected
one group per line
show selected atom
lists one atom per line

What should this MessageCallBack look like?

set picking ident
+ a selected or unselect
message would be OK because
show selected groups
show selected atoms
with every event would be a bit long. RasMol reports the number of
selected atoms which is not very informative.

You need to tell me exactly what chime sends back.

because I don't use this in chime, I can't tell.
Regards, Jan

I like the double click monitor commands very much, what I miss is the
MessageCallBack from them.

Note that the double-click behavior may *change* ... once I understand
the mouse selections and other mouse gestures that need to be made.

Why do you want to know that the user has made a measurement?

The user wants to know whether he has clicked the right atom and in a
tutorial this could trigger events, eg. explain something about H-Bonds
if the user made an H-Bond measurement.
And it seems simple to me to implement some feedback.

It might be easy for me to implement, but it will be painful for people to use.

This whole 'callback' mechanism is terrible. It pushes JavaScript to the
limits and it is always going to have bugs.

There needs to be an event-notification mechanism, but it needs to be
designed differently.

What I really want to see implemented is the
monitor ace301C.ch3 ace301D.ch3
and get a message out of this.
But neither the abstract atom notation is supported in RasMol nor the
parsable MessageCallBack from this.



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