El 10 Dec 2008 a las 18:34, Robert Hanson escribió:

> Something's not right.
> mayscript = false in no way prevents jmolButton from being created,
> and with mayscript=false, the jmolButton still works fine.
>  Something else is going on there.

I though it weird, but that is tested on an independent page I made 
for the purpose (no wiki), and that's what I see in several browsers. 
And no javascript error raised.

BTW, I think we are not making mayscript = false, we are removing the 
mayscript tag and adding a maynotscript tag (haven't actually checked 
this). So, the browser will behave as if no mayscript tag is defined.
Under this condition, the page I mentioned says that Firefox 2 will 
do Javascript to Java and not Java to Javascript, while other 
browsers will do both. But in Ff3 I see that both work. My Ff2 
(portable version) works as they say.

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