That is correct Bob.  Just press Enter in Safari and it loads the molecule.  I 
did have problems with the load sebi0105c.ccdc.cif link.  It worked via Jmol 
but not ChemDoodle.  Just gave a blank box.  All on my MacBook Pro using 
Safari.  Haven't tried any other configuration.

Jeff Hansen
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
DePauw University
602 S. College Ave.
Greencastle, IN 46135

On Apr 13, 2012, at 10:43 AM, Robert Hanson wrote:

> Phil -- the OK prompt is just some debugging I left in so that Kevin could 
> quickly see what sort of files we were dealing with that were causing 
> problems in ChemDoodle. Nothing more than that. I think it's any time 
> ChemDoodle is loading a model in its 2D mode. Can't you just press ENTER and 
> have that Safari box disappear? I would have thought the OK button had the 
> focus at that point, even if you can't see it. Well, anyway -- you're 
> probably done playing. Other Mac users with computers that do not have WebGL 
> beware!
> Bob
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Philip Bays <> wrote:
> Bob:
> I like what you are doing here.  I realize that I am looking at only test2, 
> but I am playing like a student -- randomly clicking links:-)  I am out of 
> town and only have my MacBook pro with me.  I note in Firefox that when you 
> are in the chemdoodle mode and you try to load a file that chemdoodle cannot 
> read, you get a listing of the file with an "OK" button at the bottom to 
> dismiss the pop-up.   However, in Safari, that pop-up is so long, and with no 
> way to get to the bottom, you cannot get to that button.   You can quit 
> Safari, but the popup remains (and in fact Safari does not quit, though the 
> model display screen does.)   You have to do a force quit to get it to go 
> away.
> The chemdoodle approach works on my old iPod touch though for those files 
> that it can read:-)
> Phil
> On Apr 13, 2012, at 1:03 AM, Robert Hanson wrote:
>> OK. Please test!
>> -- adds loading of host-local file using
>>   MolGrabberJmol.loadFile(fileName,loadParams)
>> of course, the loadParams business doesn't work with ChemDoodle, but perhaps 
>> it will supply reason to add such :)
>> I notice that this does not work for machine-local (hard-drive-based) files 
>> in Chrome. I'm guessing that's a security setting. 
>> Also, actually, I couldn't get most of these to load into ChemDoodle. The 
>> CIF files seem to be unreadable in all cases, and when there is no WebGL, 
>> only MOL files are readable, not XYZ, PDB, or CIF. 
>> Kevin, now you have something to do! I'm hoping you can check that over and 
>> tell me what I'm doing wrong (actually, send me a corrected JmolCD.js!). 
>> Something odd in xxxInterpreters, I think. But I don't know what it would be.
>> Bob
>> -- 
>> Robert M. Hanson
>> Professor of Chemistry
>> St. Olaf College
>> 1520 St. Olaf Ave.
>> Northfield, MN 55057
>> phone: 507-786-3107
>> If nature does not answer first what we want,
>> it is better to take what answer we get. 
>> -- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
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