On 12/18/2015 06:41 PM, Robert Hanson wrote:
> x = null
> y = null
> t = now();
> x = load("tt.json")
> print "ms to read " + x.length + " bytes: " + now(t)
> t = now()
> y = javascript(x)
> print "ms to translate JSON to Jmol variables: " + now(t)
> ms to read 58696197 bytes: 12313
> ms to translate JSON to Jmol variables: 25286
Bob, is this already available in Jmol 14.4.1_2015_12_20?

I tried the example above with the large JSON example and got the 
following error message in Firefox 42.0 on Linux with JSmol/HTML5:

---- Error message --------------------------------
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement try/catch path:
0 function (b,d)
  args[0]=SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
  args[1]=function (){a.instantialize(this,arguments)}
1 J.appletjs.Jmol.doEval(a)
  args[0]={ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neurospora crassa%%ageingFacto...
2 JU.GenericApplet.eval(a)
  args[0]={ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neurospora crassa%%ageingFacto...
3 JV.StatusManager.jsEval(a)
  args[0]={ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neurospora crassa%%ageingFacto...
4 JV.Viewer.jsEvalSV(a)
  args[0]={ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neurospora crassa%%ageingFacto...
5 JS.MathExt.evaluateScript(d,a,b)
  args[0]=[JS.ScriptMathProcessor object]
  args[1]=Token[string(4/0x4) value="{ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neu...
6 JS.MathExt.evaluate(d,a,b,c)
  args[0]=[JS.ScriptMathProcessor object]
  args[1]=Token[keyword(12/0x800520c) value="javascript"]
  args[2]=Token[string(4/0x4) value="{ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neu...
7 JS.ScriptMathProcessor.evaluateFunction(a)
8 JS.ScriptMathProcessor.addOpAllowMath(a,b,c)
  args[0]=Token[keyword(17/0x10000011) value=")"]
9 JS.ScriptMathProcessor.addOp(a)
  args[0]=Token[keyword(17/0x10000011) value=")"]

I also tried JSmol/Java. The first time the java plugin crashed. The 
second time is running since more than an hour now. Although the java 
process doesn't uses any CPU time. So I am not sure if there is still 
happening something.



Rolf Huehne

Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
Beutenbergstrasse 11
07745 Jena, Germany

Phone:   +49 3641 65 6205
Fax:     +49 3641 65 6210
E-Mail:  rhue...@leibniz-fli.de
Website: http://www.leibniz-fli.de

           Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. K. Lenhard Rudolph
        Head of Administration: Dr. Daniele Barthel
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