Javascript cannot eval("{test:'here'}")

add "0," before that.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Rolf Huehne <>

> On 12/18/2015 06:41 PM, Robert Hanson wrote:
> > x = null
> > y = null
> > t = now();
> > x = load("tt.json")
> > print "ms to read " + x.length + " bytes: " + now(t)
> > t = now()
> > y = javascript(x)
> > print "ms to translate JSON to Jmol variables: " + now(t)
> >
> > ms to read 58696197 bytes: 12313
> > ms to translate JSON to Jmol variables: 25286
> >
> Bob, is this already available in Jmol 14.4.1_2015_12_20?
> I tried the example above with the large JSON example and got the
> following error message in Firefox 42.0 on Linux with JSmol/HTML5:
> ---- Error message --------------------------------
> SyntaxError: missing ; before statement try/catch path:
> 0 function (b,d)
>   args[0]=SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
>   args[1]=function (){a.instantialize(this,arguments)}
> 1 J.appletjs.Jmol.doEval(a)
>   args[0]={ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neurospora crassa%%ageingFacto...
> 2 JU.GenericApplet.eval(a)
>   args[0]={ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neurospora crassa%%ageingFacto...
> 3 JV.StatusManager.jsEval(a)
>   args[0]={ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neurospora crassa%%ageingFacto...
> 4 JV.Viewer.jsEvalSV(a)
>   args[0]={ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neurospora crassa%%ageingFacto...
> 5 JS.MathExt.evaluateScript(d,a,b)
>   args[0]=[JS.ScriptMathProcessor object]
>   args[1]=Token[string(4/0x4) value="{ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neu...
>   args[2]=134238732
> 6 JS.MathExt.evaluate(d,a,b,c)
>   args[0]=[JS.ScriptMathProcessor object]
>   args[1]=Token[keyword(12/0x800520c) value="javascript"]
>   args[2]=Token[string(4/0x4) value="{ "edgeKeysUsed": { "species||Neu...
>   args[3]=134238732
> 7 JS.ScriptMathProcessor.evaluateFunction(a)
>   args[0]=134238732
> 8 JS.ScriptMathProcessor.addOpAllowMath(a,b,c)
>   args[0]=Token[keyword(17/0x10000011) value=")"]
>   args[1]=true
>   args[2]=0
> 9 JS.ScriptMathProcessor.addOp(a)
>   args[0]=Token[keyword(17/0x10000011) value=")"]
> ---------------------------------------------------
> I also tried JSmol/Java. The first time the java plugin crashed. The
> second time is running since more than an hour now. Although the java
> process doesn't uses any CPU time. So I am not sure if there is still
> happening something.
> Regards,
> Rolf
> --
> Rolf Huehne
> Postdoc
> Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
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Robert M. Hanson
Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
Chair, Department of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

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