Top ten things I wasn't prepared to experience at Jonifest:

1.  The fact that it actually is possible to exist on bad motel coffee,
vodka, and no sleep for quite an extended period of time.
2.  Massachusetts being a parallel universe in which I could not read a map,
but a person from New Zealand could.
3.  There being more Dunkin Donuts per square mile than bars in Wisconsin.
4.  Uncontrollable laughing fits.
5.  The ENORMOUS number of talented musicians who mesmerized me, one by
6.  Ashara's cat being offended after she was called a "chapstick lesbian."
7.  The generosity of everyone's spirit.
8.  Coming home with a backpack full of CD's, and other wonderful stuff.
(Including honey that no one gave Sharon's bees credit for.)
9.  Kiwi hugs.
10.  The post fest blues.....

Will write more when I catch up on sleep (probably sometime in November)


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