These have to be dealt with individually:

> Top ten things I wasn't prepared to experience at Jonifest:
> 1.  The fact that it actually is possible to exist on bad motel coffee,
> vodka, and no sleep for quite an extended period of time.

Ditto, substituting vodka for beer.

> 2.  Massachusetts being a parallel universe in which I could not read a map,
> but a person from New Zealand could.

Well, we are superior in intelligence - oh shit, you've all met me so I can't 
use that one any more (I'll think about a more appropriate answer over the next 
week or so).  Actually I probably absolutely disproved it with the sheep 

> 3.  There being more Dunkin Donuts per square mile than bars in Wisconsin.

True, not to mention Petco.

> 4.  Uncontrollable laughing fits.

I blame that Sharon woman.....

> 5.  The ENORMOUS number of talented musicians who mesmerized me, one by
> one...

Absolutely agree on that one.  The improv. CSNY session in the TV room with 
Marcel, Paz and Victor had to be seen (heard) to be believed - even though 
Marcel and Paz were sitting on the Lesbian Sofa at the time.....

> 6.  Ashara's cat being offended after she was called a "chapstick lesbian."

I think you'll find "she" is a "he" which might explain things a little more 

> 7.  The generosity of everyone's spirit.

I'd like to complain about that.  I took a large bag of things to give away at 
Jonifest, trying to make room for all the shopping I was going to take back to 
NZ with me.  I ended up coming back with a fuller bag than when I left, so I'm 
going to have to save my shopping money for next year's fest.  Damn you all.

> 8.  Coming home with a backpack full of CD's, and other wonderful stuff.
> (Including honey that no one gave Sharon's bees credit for.)

Yes, a big thank you to the buzzing things (and Sharon).

> 9.  Kiwi hugs.

Wisconsin hugs are pretty special too.....

> 10.  The post fest blues.....

Amen to that.  I've got DC sight-seeing planned for tomorrow, and I keep 
thinking "Oh, I can't be bothered - it's never going to live up to the last 
three days."  But then very little could.  In my madder moments I even think 
meeting Joni wouldn't be as amazing!

> Will write more when I catch up on sleep (probably sometime in November)

I'll write more when I can think of you guys without getting all girly and 


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