BRENDA: I don't have a clue about Joseph Farah.  First I heard of him was in
this article.
Thanks for the info though.

The other statements in Farah's article are true to the best of my
Since I'm no Koranic expert I will look into this matter.

Any reader who has sources to refute any statement made in this debate are
welcome to state them so we can all make progress in search of the truth.

AZEEM wrote:

> No thanks for the sneering sarcasm, Laurent, especially as it's diverting
> from a REALLY simple point, which is not a mere semantic glitch, as anyone
> can see.  The claim on this list you posted is that Muslims pray with
> backs to Jerusalem (like that proves anything anyway) - This claim is a
> of nonsense.  The geographical reference I put in was merely an
> of the stupidity of the claim, and not an attempt to show off.  I also do
> claim to be a semantic expert, though if you think I was quibbling over
> semantics you are in any case mistaken.
OK Azeem, I agree that particular statement is stupid and at any rate not
worth debating.
I know you're not trying to show off.  I'm simply trying to say that it's
easy to pick on a stupid statement to invalidate the rest of the claims.
Again, let's not nitpick as semantic experts do.  You have something to say
that you can prove then I'm open to criticism.

> Of course, you have also diverted attention (again) from the very simple
> point I was making, which was this: the fact that lies are told about
> people does not make it OK for someone else to tell lies about
> or Arabs, or Muslims, or anyone else.
Sure, let's search for the truth, as unbiased as we can all find it.
Again, I welcome criticism as long as it's backed up by evidence and hard

> I don't remember seeing your name on the list before, Laurent.  The only
> other time I can remember someone suddenly appearing out of nowhere,
> any introduction of themselves, and sending a number of highly political
> posts to the list, was when "J Galt" was at large some months back.  Are
> other listers getting a sense of deja vu?
I don't know what you're inferring here.  No there's no political conspiracy
I made my first Joni related entries to the list on May 5th, 2001 + others
on 11th  & 12th of June.
It just so happens I've been crazy in love with Joni since1976.

When this Middle East debate calms down  I hope to find the time to make
some Joni related entries.
Also, it's hard to find something meaningful to say when there are so many
Joni fans who obviously know much more about her work than I.
When coming back from vacation I found there had been a debate going on on a
topic I know a little about so I decided to share a few facts.
Finally, I welcome any JMDL member to visit me in Paris so we can share our
mutual passion.  Hope to make it to the fest some day.


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