> Seems to me all the facts I've given have not changed anybody's view,

becasue they weren't facts-just a differing viewpoint.

> not
> even yours.
> So what's the bottom line, is everyone a fundamentalist

I made it quite clear what i thought a fundamentalist was.

> or they simply don't
> care?

If you thimnk that, then you haven't been reading what has been written and that
concerns me. It implies that you have set views that will not be chnaged and
that in itslef might well fit my definiton of a fundy!

I don't see much point in going over and over this. You have one view, I have
another. I see niether party in this war as being right, you see one side as
being wrong. We shall have to leave it at that.

> Laurent
> > >
> > > >
> > > > > Laurent

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