In a message dated 06/09/01 13:16:06 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< I couldn't agree more with you.  However, if you remember I've been trying
 to keep the debate factual from the start, so as to give information to
 those (I'm not saying you) who base their opinion on anything but fact. >>

Are you still contending that that list is all facts (apart from the two that 
you have accepted are not facts)?  Who is this Dr Morley?  What are his 
credentials?  How can you be sure that the other statements are facts?  

Further, are you saying that it's wrong or somehow less valid to "base an 
opinion on anything but fact"?  I disagree.  Opinions can be based on 
intuition, common sense, experience, probability, as well as other people's 
opinions.  Relying too much on "facts" can engender a rigidity that can 
hamper rather than promote enlightenment.  

<< I'll defend my views until PROVEN wrong.  However, should I be proven 
wrong (to which I'm open) I'll defend the new view with the same ardor.  Does 
that make me a fundamentalist? 

An alternative might be to keep an open mind.

<<Seems to me all the facts I've given have not changed anybody's view, not 
even yours. >>

I think you are blurring the line between facts and views.  The list you 
posted was Dr Morley's highly partisan opinions, some of which may be true, 
all of which are at the very least debatable, as you will see from the URL I 
posted.  Are you surprised that they haven't changed anyone's opinion?  I'm 


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