In a message dated 07/09/01 14:19:04 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 >  Who is this Dr Morley?  What are his
 > credentials?  How can you be sure that the other statements are facts?
<< How can you be sure the snakebite URL statements are facts? >>

Jesus Christ, have you missed the whole point of my posts??  Answer is, I 
NEVER said they were facts.  They are another point of view.  I also don't 
like the idea of posting second hand propaganda to the list, whoever is doing 
<< I guess I could spend my whole day trying to prove or disprove every word 
but at the end of the day  I agree with Colin, this discussion is going 
nowhere since everybody sticks to their sources.>>

I agree.
> Further, are you saying that it's wrong or somehow less valid to "base an
 > opinion on anything but fact"?  I disagree.  Opinions can be based on
 > intuition, common sense, experience, probability, as well as other people's
 > opinions.  Relying too much on "facts" can engender a rigidity that can
 > hamper rather than promote enlightenment.
<< Action speaks louder than words.>>

I have no idea what this is supposed to convey.

<< Also, another example of the dialectic tactic I just described above.  >>

I don't think of anything I've said as a tactic.  As to your earlier 
statement about dialectics:

<< At any rate, I'm not a dialectics professional and this debate is turning 
into just that: pick one word/one phrase/one statement from a post, tear it 
apart and disclaim the whole argument.>>

If that's what you think dialecticism is, I don't know where you got your 
definition from.

That's enough for me.


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