I wrote:

<< I don't remember seeing your name on the list before, Laurent.  The only 
other time I can remember someone suddenly appearing out of nowhere, without 
any introduction of themselves, and sending a number of highly political 
posts to the list, was when "J Galt" was at large some months back.  Are any 
other listers getting a sense of deja vu? >>

Laurent replied: <>>

My mistake.  Your name was unfamiliar to me, though I do now remember your 
earlier posts.  To explain: "J Galt" was a lister who suddenly appeared on 
the list around the time of the US election and made some forceful (to put it 
mildly) contributions to the debate that was raging.  Everybody was pretty 
sure it was a pseudonym (apparently Jon Galt was a character from Ayn Rand's 
writings) for someone on the list, and he then disappeared as suddenly as he 
had appeared.  I wondered here if the same kind of thing was happening again.


NP: Bjork - Selmasongs.  Totally stunning - I've just got it, I know I'm one 
album behind...

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