* * * * * * * * *
The sweetest couples corner:

Jody and Scott - Jody, it was great to see you again and to meet Scott, too!
I always enjoy hanging out with you.  Best of everything in your new home
and jobs - you truly deserve it.

John and Claud - your happiness touches everyone - what magnificent people
you are and we are all lucky to know you both.  Thank you for everything and
please come see me sometime!

Mags and Brian - you are both wonderful and sweet - it's getting to the
point whenever I see your names together "Solid Love" starts playing in my
head ;-)

Pearl and Steve - it was great to see you again this year!  You two always
seem to have such an outstanding time together with your many wonderful
trips - you are a "Lucky Girl," Pearl.

* * * * * * * * * *
Yael and Stephanie - Wowee - more new musicial surprises!  Yael, you have a
huge radiance - I really kept blinking a few times when you sang, thinking I
was watching the young Laura Nyro.  Please call next time in L.A.
 Stephanie - I'm sorry I didn't get to talk with you more but I was so
impressed by your set and hope to see you again.

Kay Ashley and Jeff from NYC - Kay you were the female Gregg Cagno for us
this year!  Gorgeous songs and gorgeous voice - I wish you all the best.
Jeff - wish I could have heard you play more!  Please let me know when you
move to California.

Rose and Alison - Sistahs, you rock!!  Rose, you are a great hanger.
 Alison - you sing beautifully and are party queen, too!  Hope to see you
both for NAMM in January.

Patrick, one of my oldest friends - I always love seeing you and yakking it
up.  Best of everything with your new place and let me know when you'll be
needing the martini glasses ;-)

Lori and Hell - you finally made it the both of you and it was fantastic!
Lori - thanks for getting Hell the last leg to Topsfield.  Hell, you are
such a neat person - see you sometime tomorrow ;-)

Stephen from Vancouver - I always felt from his posts that this was a really
nice chap.  Well, yes, and then a whole lot more.  I'm still shaking my head
that someone could have such class, kindness, and gentlemanliness while at
the same time looking like a surfer model in GQ.  I don't think they made
them like you down here in the States anymore, Stephen. "Oh, Canada!" ;-)
Thank you for being so nice to me.

Monsieur Deste - You outdid youself on the music this year.  Amazing
renditions of Joni.  Still swear you were doing Poco rifts through "I Think
I Understand."  You should have seen the look on Hell's face during your
set.  It was even more impressed than when she saw Waddy last week, I'm not
joking.  As for the Atty May experience, well I guess us jmdlers just made
the place a little TOO popular with the locals at this point and we have now
created our own little monster.  We'll have to "grow" a new, unknown venue,
I guess ;-)

Catherine from Toronto - I barely talked to you!  I wish you could have
spent more time hanging out with us, but it seems that you did enjoy the
trek. I still want to hear "Dawntreader" with you and Mags!

Wally K - your set this year was my very favorite with all the subtle
Brazilian overtones.  I can't wait to hear it again.  Please don't make good
on your threat to not come to another Jonifest unless it is in Alaska ;-)

Anne- you are in my heart, too.  My prayers are with you always.  Thank you
for coordinating the music - oh my what a time this year!

Nikki and Victor - after four days together in our beach cottage I felt like
you were my little sister and brother, especially with old Papa Paz
dutifully rousting us all up at a nice late hour each day to serve us full,
Southern style breakfasts.  Victor, you know I think you are just too much -
you blow me away.  I would crawl awake in the morning and blearily ask
Victor to play some Zeppelin or Tull and he would proceed to perform half an
album's worth flawlessly.  You cannot stump him!  You are THE music man.
Nikki - hope you are having a fun hejira on the road with Stevie Nicks and
report in when you get back.

Pazman - thank you for your be-in-ten-places at one time heart and spirit
and everything you did for so many of us last weekend.  I'll never know how
you do it, but I always marvel at it.  You are the soulman, indeed.

Now I am approaching braindead state again and must go pick up the place
before Hell gets here.  Maybe more when I get my next second wind.

Love, peace and thanks to all,

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