To All Our Brothers & Sisters in the JMDL
Community:First thanks to all those who have been good
enough to pass on information on fellow listers in the
disaster struck areas.  So far the news has been good
on that front.    Secondly, as you probably know now
the Sears tower was not attacked, but is probably a
major target.  I no longer work in the tower (71st
fl), as of July. - THANK YOU!    However, I am in the
smaller but just as much of a target - Board of
Trade/Board  of Options exchange (the 2 buildings are
connected).  We were evacuated soon after I arrived at
work (late as I was). The weight of no word seems fit
for this catastrophe, it is horrific.  But on this
day, I would ask that all of us here, be not a
Democrat or a Republican but a human.  Let us all
stand together in this crisis that shudders our souls
and find the love that is usually in abundance here. 
No egos, no facts or knee-jerk reactions.  These are
the times when the real essence of community, love,
kindness and compassion can exemplify what it means to
be a good human.  This includes our neighbors from
Canada (of course), our family in England, New
Zealand, Germany, Holland, Argentina, Israel and all
the other countries represented here.  This is the new
day that will live in infamy, we will never forget
9-11-01. But let us remember it as the day we put down
our verbal weaponry and and all gave one collective
hug.  There are some things more important than
winning an argument - cause, you know ... nobody
really does. I know this is mushy and soft soooo ...
wait till next week when I get caught up in the mix
again!  Peace Peace Peace & a Whole Lotta Love Susan
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