Dear friends,

Those of you who have been around for a while know that I'm someone
who has NEVER approved of political diatribes or personal attacks on
the list. I don't believe that is what our community is for. However,
I kept silent during the latest spate, until now.

It is difficult to conceive that, while we try to deal with the horror
that has been unleashed upon us, some of you have the time and energy
to continue these rantings.

Scroll? Delete? I don't think so. I don't want this crap coming
into my mailbox anymore. As of now, I'm unsubscribing. Perhaps I'll
be back in a while.

To all my dear friends on the list, I love you all, and keep you
in my thoughts and prayers.
Steve Dulson        Costa Mesa CA       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The Tinker's Own"            
"Southern California Dulcimer Heritage"
"The Living Tradition Concert Series"

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