Rose is having trouble getting e-mail through and has asked me to forward 
this to the list. 

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Full-name: RoseMJoy
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 15:51:25 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Goodbye
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Full-name: RoseMJoy
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:48:25 EDT
Subject: Re: Goodbye
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I'm sorry Steve that you feel that you must unsubscribe from the JMDL, but I 
understand and respect your decision just as I respect all of you. I wish you 
happiness and we will miss your presence in this community. I know that the 
decision that Les had to make to unsubscribe Marcel from the list had to be a 
painful and difficult decision and I have told him these things just like I'm 
telling you. I support him and I hope someday we can all be together again 
and work out our differences. The rules of this list have been set forth 
really clear. For those who are not familiar with them or need to review them 
again, they're put forth on the JMDL page before you subscribed.  I feel 
really sad for all concerned that things had to come to this. I don't know 
what the answer is, but I hope we find one. One thing that I've learned is 
that conflict will just lead to more conflict. No one really wins. I'm sure 
Debra is right from her point of view as well as Marcel feels he's right from 
his, Colin from his... I pray that there is a return of camaraderie and a 
strong sense of community feeling and that we don't abuse and insult one 
another. A reminder of what brought us all together here in the first place, 
Joni Mitchell's art and music. I would really feel ashamed if she were to 
subscribe to this list and witness the insults and negative behavior that has 
been going on here lately. What do you think she'd say or do? And this could 
very well happen. She mentioned someday of the possibility of getting a 
None of us really know one another. I met Marcel in New England this past 
Labor Day and I have to admit, I had some reservations, so I walked up to him 
and shook his hand. He really is a talented musician and it saddens me that 
he's gone. I mentioned to Alison, that he reminded me a lot of my brother 
Nick who is a very complex person, I might add. At some point Marcel came up 
from behind me and stroked my hair. I felt relaxed in his presence and not at 
all threatened by him and no, there was no hatred. 
Know that I'm going trough some really difficult times right now. I'm not a 
perfect person. I'm only human like the rest of you all. I've had my fair 
share of failed relationships with people. I only ask that you appreciate the 
time I took out of my life to reach out to this list. Sorry in advance for 
the NJC.

Peace to all,
Rose in NJ


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