Dear, dear John:

For the past several days I have been unable and unwilling to turn on my
computer and respond to the hundreds of missives in my mailbox. 
However, I have read your missive and those of many others.  Some I
delete immediately because I can not bear to hear diatribes.

Last night after a dinner of animal crackers I mowed the lawn and
enjoyed the smells of freshly cut grass and felt grateful for simple
pleasures. After mowing I sat outside with my little dog Hootie, and my
rambunctious golden retriever pup, Lily and looked up into the black

Stars above shone brilliantly and I knew these stars had seen everything
from the beginning of earth's time, to the beginning of our time, and
they will continue this knowing to another's beginning.  I am glad we
have stars because they do show us the way.

Love and Peace.........Sharon   

John van Tiel wrote:
> Kay, dearest Kay,
> For some reason, the past week has brought out the best AND the worst in our
> community. Reading your mail, I could only think of one thing: I am
> perfectly willing to deal with weeks or even months of petty bickering,
> little feuds and pissy write-first-think-later mails for ONE post like
> yours. It shines.
> So do you.
> The warmest of kisses and a big, big Dutch hug.
> John

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