Hi Azeem - 

Most of what you say about Moulin Rouge is true, but I loved it anyway 
precisely because it is all the things you criticized.  This is a film that 
Ken Russell would have made if he had digital technology.  I thought it 
looked fantastic and that it worked because it was so excessive.  I HATE 
musicals for the most part but this one worked for me because it was so 
daring and unexpected and overdone.  The script was pathetic in some ways, 
but it absolutely worked.  If you had stayed to watch the rest of the film, 
you would see how the script suddenly gets very, very clever and repeats 
itself in the confines of the actual production they put on.  The Indian 
musical at the end is THE best part of the film, a completely garish and 
ornate production with a thousand extras portraying Hindu deities.   The 
movie was a visual triumph and it has to be accepted that it was made with 
tongue very firmly in cheek.  

Vive la difference!

- Clark  

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