Friends, since Robertson and Falwell blamed it all on gays, pro choice
people, ACLUers, and feminists - and that is 4 for 4 with me - I have
put them out of my mind.  I have appreciated deeply the JMDL response to
those haters.  In fact, of all of the lists to which I belong, including
church lists, this is far and away, far far far and away away away the
one place where the discussions have had meaning, where everything that
is good about life and people has been on display.  I thank God for the
JMDL.  That is not a phrase.  I mean, I really thank God for all of you.

(the Rev) Vince

PS: I got the following from a clergy who are pro-choice list to which I
belong, which has run a distant second to the JMDL for meaningful
comments, but on their behalf, perhaps they like me have been very busy

Faith can heal, but it can also spawn hatred

Mike Thomas

September 16, 2001

People are opportunistic, so they find opportunity even in tragedy.

Religious leaders have an opportunity to nourish souls starved for hope
with a dose of community and faith.

But not Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, two men who have found a
different kind of opportunity. The death of thousands has
provided them an opportunity to promote even more hatred.

Falwell blames feminists, gays, abortion providers and even the American
Civil Liberties Union as among those responsible for
last week's terrorist attacks.

"All of them who have tried to secularize America," he said, "I point
the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.' "

Robertson went one step further. He added the U.S. Supreme Court to the

"We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eyes,"
Robertson wrote in a statement last week. "We have
insulted God at the highest level of our government. Then we say, 'Why
does this happen?' "

The comments by the two most visible spokesmen for conservative
Christians should not come as a complete shock.

Falwell outed Tinky Winky.

Robertson blamed the 1998 Florida brushfires on Gay Pride Day in
Orlando. He also warned that the city faced terrorist bombs,
earthquakes, storms and meteors because gay pride flags hung downtown.

"I would warn Orlando that you're right in the way of some serious
hurricanes, and I don't think I'd be waving those flags in God's
face if I were you," he said.

Now the two televangelists would have us believe that hundreds of
firefighters in New York were buried under tons of rubble
because God is unhappy with the ACLU and the National Organization for

And that young enlisted men in the Pentagon were taken from their
families because God disagrees with the majority opinion on
school prayer in Engel vs. Vitale.

"If we don't repent, then more events might happen in the future,"
Falwell said.

If God is the terrorist they portray him to be, then Middle Eastern
zealots are the least of our worries. But I don't believe in
infecting supreme beings with the worst human emotions.

If I am offended by a gay couple, I don't go out in my car and run over
a woman walking her child across the street. I can't
believe this would be God's response either.

Falwell clarified his remarks by saying that God didn't directly cause
last week's tragedy. He just "lifted the curtain of protection"
from us.

What does this mean? God chose not to alert the FBI?

Falwell also warned things only would get worse if liberal groups are
allowed to fester. So what do we do? Ban them? Given the
alternative of more kamikaze attacks, it certainly makes sense.

But first, tell me something, Pat and Jerry. Africa suffers far worse
than we ever could imagine. Millions die horribly each year from
disease, starvation and civil war.

Is there an African branch of the ACLU? Or is it just God's wrath when
you two deem it so?

I wish I had that kind of pipeline to the Almighty.

Apparently, Osama bin Laden does. His deity also is petty, sadistic,
violent and generally conservative in his politics.

Religion is the best and worst thing to happen to this planet. That is
evident as we now watch it kill and divide, but also heal and

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