
My grandfather was at one point the Police Chief of a city in Pennsylvania.
For years the KKK had a stronghold in the town (even that far north) and
routinely terrorized people and set up their bonfires on the banks of the
local river.  Soon after my grandfather was appointed he took a few of his
men and walked over to the river one night where a large mass of them had
gathered and were threatening all kinds of violence.  Without firing one
shot or touching one person, my grandfather talked to them in such a way
that they immediately disbanded and never came back to the town again.

He later, through his own hard work, became the owner of several small
markets.  During the Depression he constantly gave food away to anyone who
asked and never took any payment back.

When he was older he was appointed a municipal Judge.  He was known as the
most compassionate and understanding justice they town had ever seen and
rarely, if ever, would have people jailed for their crimes.

My grandfather was a Conservative.


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