
 i think i understand what you are trying to say but you misunderstand me...

i have already gotten on with my life, i have smiled & laughed & cracked
jokes as often as i have cried lately...
but i will always grieve this tragedy...always...

there is no "appropriate time for grieving" ... its no one's business to
tell another how to feel ... we are all made of different stuff ...btw your
sentence re: wallowing offends me greatly....
Kate Bennett
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  Kate and everyone,
   Grieving is appropriate for about as long as they are still digging out
the bodies, but soon you and I, we all, must snap out of it, raise the flags
to full-staff and get on with our lives.
   If we let the terrorists affect us permanently; if we let them change the
way we live; if we let them thrust us into a deep wallow of misery and
grief, then we let them win.
   I, for one, do not intend to let them win. I hope that the rest of you
will not continue to wallow for much longer. The sooner we return to our way
of life; the sooner we show that we cannot be driven down so easily, the
   Soon it will be time to find something to smile about. Start getting

  Paul I

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