One of the worst aspects of abuse is that other people often identify
with the abuser. The abusee gets scapegoated. At the very least they are
made to feel bad, like they are making a fuss over nothing. abuse
happens because others let it happen and worse, defend the abuser.
I am appalled that people are defending abusive behaviour, making light
of it. This abuse did not happen by accident, it was not misinterpreted
words, it was deliberate and clear. Very few emails have been in support
of those of us who stood aganist the abuse.
the abuse is still going on. I cannot mention who got it, but a friend
recently got an email from a current lister which started 'you evil
The feeling of of being disbelieved, of the complaints being dismissed
as trivial, as not important, leaves one doubting one's sanity.
What has happened here is very like what happens in dysfunctional
familes. The victim is scapegoated, the abuser supported and people bend
over backwards to ignore what is happening and go to great lengths to
escuse, explain, and minimise the abusers behaviour.
the list is not a safe place any longer.
I unsubbed to deal with my own stuff and read th archives from a safe
place where I would not be able to send off a reply easily. The recent
mails in defence of abuse, for that is what it is, made me feel I could
not keep quiet.
One thing has made me feel really angry-the person who recieved this
'you evil bitch'email has kept queit about it on list becasue they are
afraid of being scapegaoted and blamed. So instead a lister is allowed
to get away with this and have people continue to think they behave
well. I am amzed this stae of affairs has come about on this wonderful

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