>  Whilst I haven't had any notable brushes
>  with Classical musicians of renown, my
>  mother told me a story about a friend of
>  hers.
>  One weekend, world famous oboeist Leon 
>  Goosens came to stay with my mother's friend.  
>  Her six year old son came into the room with a 
>  toy penny whistle and said to Goosens, "Bet you 
>  can't get a tune out of this!"  He took the penny 
>  whistle and proceeded to play a lovely little
>  tune. At the end, the little boy said "Oh, I'm 
>  glad it still works  - it's been down the toilet 
>  all day!!"
>  PaulC
Amazing, Paul. When I was at school I learnt the oboe and Leon Goosens was 
"the" oboest in the UK at that time. I have a book on how to play the oboe by 
his wife (I think I'm right in saying), Evelyn Rothwell. I haven't played my 
oboe for many years and just yesterday lent it to the 11 year old daughter of 
a friend of mine who shows talent on the instrument and is presently using a 
grotty school instrument.
The penny whistle is also a fine instrument, though I've never played one 
that's been down the toilet as far as I know.


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