> . At the end, the little boy said "Oh, I'm
> >  glad it still works  - it's been down the toilet
> >  all day!!"

ugh! erk! ick! how disgusting!
funny story tho!

I once lived on top of a newsagent. Or rather in a bedsitter above a newsagent.
The woman who worked there was quite unpleasnt and a huge snob. Spoke with plums
in her mouth and looked down upon all the customers. She would get you whatever
it you wnated, in my case fags, and hold her hand out for the money. Never please
or thank you. One morning, I went down in just  my dressing gown(bathrobe). I
asked for the pack of Camel and she held her hand out. i tokk the change out of
the pocket of my dressing gown and place in it her upturned palm-along with
sevral pubic hairs. You should have seen her face. i left quickly before I wet
myself laughing. and no, it was not deliberate on my part. Given another person,
I would have been mortified.

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