Hi Hell

> Well, I'm certainly no expert on depression or mental >illness, but I know
my father could not have functioned >without medication (and I know he did
try). He suffered >from serious depression for most of his adult life, and
>even had electric shock treatment at one point, which >certainly didn't
help -

You are right and I did not mean to minimize that medicine for depression is
literally a life-saver for many people.  It's probably important for people
to have a good doctor who is astute at monitoring the dosage and prescribing
the appropriate drug.  As for the electric shock treatment, I had thought
that had been abadoned way back in the 1950s or something but then was
suprised to learn that a colleg friend's father was receiving it here in the
1970s, too.  Eesch - now there was a barbaric treatment.  In a way, we can
thank God that medicines came along to replace THAT idea.

> It seems to be the great "cure-all" for anything that ails >us - pop a
pill and you'll feel better - rather than trying to >treat the real cause of
the problem, which may be >environmental, rather than physical.

Yes - I've also know some people who were wrongly diagnosed with depression
when what they really had was diabetes, bad hayfever, or not simply not
enough hormones ;-) and that is why the Prozac wasn't helping at all!

> Not such a bad idea!  Apparently New Zealand was >voted the safest country
to be in the world, right now!  >Why doesn't everyone come visit!?

I am not surprised New Zealand is looking more appealing than ever now.
Careful what you wish for Hell!! ;-)


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