This morning I read the section of Karen O'Brien's book titled 'Dreams
and False Alarms'.  This chapter covers Joni's stint with Rolling
Thunder and the recording of 'Hejira', 'DJRD' and 'Mingus'.  There
were a couple of what appear to be minor discrepancies in this
section.  Maybe I'm wrong so I thought I'd throw this out to y'all.

When talking about 'The Last Waltz', Karen says Joni returned to the
stage 'to join Neil Young on harmony vocals when The Band played
'Acadian Driftwood'.  Now the only song I'm aware of that Joni sang
harmony with Neil on in 'The Last Waltz' was 'Helpless'.  I'm not
familiar with 'Acadian Driftwood'.  Was it performed in 'The Last
Waltz' concert and if so, did Joni provide harmony vocal?

The other thing that didn't sound right to me was in reference to the
Rolling Stone interview that Joni did at the time 'Mingus' was
released.  Karen says the interview as done by Ben Sidran.  The only
Rolling Stone interview that Joni did in this time frame that I'm
aware of was with Cameron Crowe.  Was there another one with Sidran?
Inquiring Joni minds want to know!

Otherwise I am really enjoying reading this book.  Most of Karen's
take on Joni's career is right on the money, imo.

And why isn't Joni writing these days, as Lama was asking?  Or is she?
Kakki seemed to think recent events may have stimulated her muse again
but is it really disgust with the music business that has silenced her
pen since 'Taming the Tiger'?  I still maintain that record had some
lovely & interesting new work on it & I still want more.

Mark E.

PS:  In reply to Anne Sandstrom's post of a while back, I also read
Joni's mock introduction of Mohammed Ali.  My take is that she was fed
up with all of what she probably perceived as pseudo-liberal
championing of a man that she had begun to think might not be so
innocent after all.  So she shot her mouth off.  Also, it sounds like
she & Ms. Baez were not particularly simpatico on the Rolling Thunder
stint and we've had hints that their relationship has been thorny over
the years.  Was it appropriate or pc?  No.  Does it mean she's a
racist?  No, I most certainly do not think so.  Most all of us have
made less than pretty remarks at one time or another that we maybe
regret.  Taken out of context some of them can be pretty damning.  And
sometimes put in context they can still be pretty damning.  But I
don't think one remark necessarily frames a person's whole character
and attitudes.

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