Last night I went to see Jennifer Daniels, accompanied by her husband Jeff, at 
the Vintage Bar here in Houston.  Pete, Vernon, the singer-songwriter Ken
Gaines, and I were really the only people who came.  Three other people
wandered in and out, mainly for drinks. Jennifer and Jeff live on Lookout 
Mountain in Tennessee (Chattanooga); they have a tiny cabin and a little pool 
from a creek.  Jennifer's music sounds rather like a combination of Joni 
Mitchell and Natalie Merchant, though she said she didn't listen to Joni 'til 
about 2 years ago.  There's a similar sensibility, though, very poetic.  She 
said that she largely grew up on poetry because as children they were rarely 
allowed to listen to the radio.  Jennifer and Jeff played their hearts out 
despite the small (though very appreciative) turnout, which is a commitment I 
always admire.  She had some better bookings in Austin and next will play 
Uncle Calvin's in Dallas, which is a good venue. She mentioned that Eddie, 
owner of the famous Eddie's Attic in Atlanta, is going to sell, mainly because 
he has another baby now and may need a more secure income.  It would be a real 
shame if Eddie's didn't continue, for it's the breeding or testing ground for 
a lot of artists such as Jennifer and the wonderful Caroline Aiken.  Anyway, 
Jennifer's a very lovely woman with lovely music, and she was very honored 
that I saw a Joni likeness.

Toni Price cancelled tonight's Duck performance because her guitarist, Champ
Hood, passed away just a few days ago and the service, in Austin, is Sunday.
Champ played with Lyle Lovett, Walter Hyatt, and others besides Toni.  He had
lung cancer (heavy smoker) and was only 49 at the time of his death.


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