Just finished spending 3 hours in front of the idiot box and boy was it
worth it. Sting is the man! I was moved to tears quite a few times and this
guy never ceases to amaze me as a musician and artist. The remake of All
This Time just floored me. I was prepared to hate it after hearing a few
bits in the rehearsals, but the performance was stunning. Two other ones
which I have heard him remake before, Don't Stand So Close To Me and coupled
with When We Dance as a medley was just brilliant. Whoo. Then Set Them Free
was another one that just stood out in a whole new groove. The whole jazzy
vibe to his thing now leans towards the "VIP Lounge", but man the vocal
arrangements are just amazing. There were so many other ones I just loved
like Mad About You, Seven Days, Fields of Gold, oh shit I am gushing. If you
haven't caught this performance yet, I highly recommend it and be watching
for a By Request Concert from Old Beltin' Elton on Dec. 3



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