I totally agree that Sweet Sucker Dance is really the peak of Joni's singing
capability. Listen to how her voice becomes another woodwind. If you don't
like that album at all surely that's the song that you can at least but on a
mix tape or CD.


> Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 13:03:19 EST
> Subject: Re: Bread & Roses
> <<Even though Randy mention that the performance
> with BB King was anything but sparkling I'd love to check out Joni's duet with
> Herbie on SSD.>>
> I'll donate a nut to the cause as well, Mark! LOL! Even if it's just for
> historical reasons, it'd be great to hear. I've said it in this forum before,
> but for sheer beauty of singing, I've always thought that Joni reached her
> peak with "Sweet Sucker Dance". If y'all haven't heard that Mingus track in a
> while, pull it off the shelf and give it a spin and see what I mean.
> And hey, thanks for the info about that disc...I knew I could count on you!
> :~)
> Bob
> NP: Jeff Buckley, "Yard of Blonde Girls"

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