but mack!!!!! i am sure that there are laws that protect you from that kind
of discrimination. in fact, it may be a crime on the part of your new
employer to do what he said that he is going to do. is homosexuality still a
crime in your state? that happened more than 20 years ago. are you sure that
you can't get your record clean on some basis? on the personal side of this
predicament, well, i don't know that i will be of much help. but i believe
that secrecy in these matters gives more power to the oppressor. and this is
coming from someone who lived years and years of military dictatorship and
genocide. maybe you should be more flexible about how private you want to
be. your parents may be better prepared to take this situation if they know
what they're going to have to deal with. it's not go8ing to kill them,
believe me. i'm not taking your troubles lightly, but sometimes one tends to
view these matters more dramatically than one really should.
on the other hand, you must remember that you have my unconditional support
whatever your decision and the outcome of this situation may be.

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