I am here taking care of my elderly
>parents or would have left years ago.

How lucky your parents are to have you as a son!!  They must be very proud 
of you.  They reared you right, Mack.  Your post touched me very 
deeply.......you have such a sweet soul.
I'm sure it will turn out okay for you.  We humans always think of the worst 
case scenarios and fret and fret.  Try not to do that to yourself.  I bet 
you are an excellent nurse and considering there is a nurse shortage  (in 
Cincinnati there is ) they are not going to want to get rid of you.

>The arresting officer told me that if I had been with a girl, they would 
>have just sent us home.

How true!  I know this from first-hand experience. Gay men have it so much 
rougher than gay women.  (I'm sure a big understatement)  To my knowledge 
I've never been discriminated against because of who I'm sleeping with.  I 
guess I would classify myself as bi-sexual?  When I was in my early twenties 
(late at night) I was getting it on with a girl in car in a parking lot. We 
were both higher than kites and kissing passionately, oblivious to are 
surroundings.  Well we were not alone.......a police officer had been 
watching us.  How long?  I don't have the slightest clue?  (getting his 
jollies off, I suppose) He tapped on the window told us something to the 
effect to break it up and this parking lot is off limits after closing 
hours.  Embarrassed and humiliated, to say the least.  This cop could have 
arrested us on several violations.......but he chose not to.  We had lots of 
dope in the car and on are persons too. (it's funny, i had not thought about 
this for years,buried it I guess)

Two gay men in this scenario?  Searched, handcuffed, arrested.......public 
indecency,  and God knows what else!!

  .  Please be thinking of me as I face my own struggle.  I needed to vent
>and you have allowed me to do so.  Thank you.

The world needs you, Mack, your sweetness.....stay well.  And vent and vent, 
whenever you need to.



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