<<Seriously, Bob, have you heard _To Bring You My Love_?>>

I have to admit that I have not...BUT I heard (more times than I wanted to) the single 
that got all the airplay about 'swimming with the fishes' and I have to say that it 
made my flesh crawl. It made me wish I had never been born. Fearing that I might be 
driven even closer to the brink of insanity, I've never sought it out to hear the rest 
of it.

How does it compare to "Stories..."?

Perhaps one day I'll get up the courage to listen to the whole thing. I DO recall that 
many critics sang the praises of it, BUT many of the same critics also dig Liz Phair, 
and except for Exile in Guyville she's always left me scratching my head. Thankfully 
she's so consumed with being a Mom she hasn't foisted any more product onto the public.

Bob, thinking he's probably re-opened yet another can o'worms...;~)

NP: Peter Case, "Walk In The Woods"

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