Bob asked:

> How does [To Bring You...] compare to "Stories..."?

Much less of a conventional rock-n-roll album.  It's
very moody--lots of organ, etc.  Her vocals do get a
bit ragged in places (in a good way IMO), but the
setting is much more stagey and dramatic (and, i
guess, melodramatic) than on _rid of me_, for example.
 The _Stories_ tracks that would most fit here would
be "The Mess We're In" and "Kamikaze" IMO--and the
differences between these two tracks sort of point to
the dominant forces underlying _Bring_.  Think of it
as a dispatch from the Howlin' Wolf Cabaret.  :-)

> BUT many of the same critics also
> dig Liz Phair, 

I'm *not* getting into the Liz fight with you again. 
;-)  But, in any case, I do think PJ has ten times the
talent of Liz, and I think quite highly of Liz.  I'll
start my own flame war--while I don't think anyone is
this generation's Bob Dylan, if anyone is, it's PJ. 
And she's definitely this generation's Patti Smith. 
Hell, she's already put out as many great albums as
Patti has.


NP:  Erykah Badu, _Baduizm_

"I'm just a little bit heiress, a little bit Irish,
 A little bit Tower of Pisa whenever I see ya,
 So please be kind if I'm a mess."

--Rufus Wainwright, "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk"
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