i got this from [former?] jmdl member howard motyl. more outrage, but this
time the boycott is really fun.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Howard Motyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: Miircoles, 05 de Diciembre de 2001 03:53 p.m.
Para: Alicia; Robert at home; Roger Munter; Dan; Dan DiCesare; Stephen;
Tony Rotolante; David Carlson; Serena; deba jean gray; alex halkin;
Amnon; Amnon; Becky Ephraim; Beryl & Bob; Bob Peters; Brad Herzog;
Carmine Cervi; Carolyn Faber; Carolyn Songin; Chris B; Colin Moore;
Cyndi Moran; Dan Osborn; Danny Alpert; David Garte; David Zucker; Dawn
Smallman; Denise DeClue; Diane Paradiso; Diane Stoneman; Ed Gilliland;
Eilish Mccormick; Ethan Sandler; Eyal; Gaylon Emerzian; George Chauncey;
Gray Vogleman; Harry in DC; Jay Allen Sennett; Jim Dennen; Jimmy Rapone;
Joe Steiff; John Lux; Joseph Kiely; Josh at home; Josh/Flux; Judith;
Judy Hoffman; Kathleen Dargis; Keith at home; Kim Kerbis; Kristin Burke;
Lala; Leslie Hindman; Libi; Lisa Vandever; Marcos Medina; marilyn wulff;
Mary McNichol; Mary Van; Mateo; Matt Geraldi; Megan Secord; melika bass;
Melissa/Rivet; michelle citron; Mo Van; Nancy; Dana; Donna; Kathy;
Frank; Dale@work; Nalani; Nancy L Green @ home; Pat Riley; patty
pelletier; RB; Reuel; Robyn; Ruth White; Sam B; Scott Jacobs; segun;
Shari Pratscher; stephan mazurek; Steve Wallace; Sujatha; Steven Dillon;
Susan Knapp; Svend Robert Klunderud; Timm Turnblad; Tom Weinberg; Toni
Reed; Tony Sarabia; Tunia and Marco; UIC/Sharon Heslup; Val Mrak;
Valjean McLenighan; Wally Kairuz
Asunto: Salvation Army Bans Gays

Very Interesting.  The Salvation Army refuses to hire gay people.  I
this explains why their uniforms are so bad.

Friends of Lesbians And Gays

You gotta hand it to PFLAG - when they're right, they're
right.  The organization everyone loves to love has just
launched a boycott of the virulently anti-gay Salvation
Army.  As many of you know, the Salvation Army is actually an
evangelical Christian organization and really really really
doesn't like gay people.  They even explicitly  refuse to
hire gay people, and a few months ago worked out a behind-
the-scenes deal with the Bush Administration to codify that
anti-gay hiring ban in the proposed faith-based-initiative.
(For more info on that, read my story written at the time:
http://uspolitics.about.com/library/weekly/aa071001a.htm )

Well, the latest bigoted shoe to drop from the Salvation Army
happened a few weeks ago.  You see, a number of western state
Salvation Armies decided that they in fact like gay people,
and wanted to give their gay staff domestic partner benefits
(though not clear what gay staff they have, since the
national office bans gay hires).  Well, America's Taliban got
its turban in a tizzy and launched a barrage of protests
calls, emails and letters to the Salvation Army headquarters.
And what do you think the hq did?  They caved, and over-ruled
the local Salvation Armies.  So now, the Salvation Army
nationwide will have domestic partner benefits, but it will
exclude gay and lesbian employees from those benefits.  And
these people think we're going to give them money?

Well, that's where PFLAG-the-avenger comes in.  PFLAG has
launched a campaign to boycott the Salvation Army by dropping
little notes in their buckets letting them know that they
would have gotten 5 bucks, instead of a nasty note, if they
weren't such morons.  Please visit the PFLAG Web site, where
you can download the notes, and get more information on this
campaign.  And please tell your friends about this site
(links provided below), and about the Salvation Army's
bigoted position on gays and lesbians.  Most people aren't
familiar with how "radical right" and intolerant an
organization the Salvation Army really is.  Which is really
too bad.  I always grew up thinking they were the good

Finally, don't forget - while you shouldn't give a DIME to
the Salvation Army, make sure you do give to another
organization.  No reason the poor should suffer simply
because the Salvation Army wanted to take a slap at
minorities at Christmas-time.

This is the link to the Salvation Army boycott page:

This is the link to the notes you can download to drop in the
Salvation Army buckets:

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