Unfortunately, my dear Kakki, the general public here in Texas agrees with
the lawmakers.


> Michael wrote:
> > House Leadership through those years, who >are the ones who control what
> comes up for a >vote: Gingrich, Armey, and most of all Delay.  >First is
> latter two are TX.  Their >arguments deem such legislation to be creating
> >"special rights for homosexuals."
> Thanks - now I'm getting the picture.  I'm sorry to say that I started to
> pretty much completely tune out and turn off from national politics around
> 15 years ago when I started perceiving that politcal discourse from both
> sides was degenerating into nothing more than extreme rhetoric and B.S.
> becoming non-productive.  About that time, however, I did become much more
> engaged in California state and local issues where I felt there was still
> real opportunity where one could effect real change and progress.  In only
> the past couple years have I started to become more engaged in national
> issues again so I have a lot of catching up to do.  Thanks for providing
> with this information.  It seems very crazy to that something that should
> have been resolved as a simple civil rights matter long ago probably got
> bogged down in a lot of side rhetorical B.S.  I will read up on this some
> more and think that all of us in the U.S. need to start being more
> in contacting our representatives and letting them know how we feel about
> issues.
> Kakki

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