cause they are FREE to them. I remember a story about McCartney coming into
a store I worked at called Sound City. When he was recording Venus and Mars
at my friend Allen Toussaint's studio he went to the store to pick out an
acoustic lefty to use on the record. Paul insisted that they send the guitar
over right away and Ovation would take care of it cause they gave them to
him free. The boss man refused and told Paul that if he wanted that one he
would have to pay for it before it left the store. Paul left in a huff and
awhile later Ovation called up the boss man and asked if he was fecking
crazy did he KNOW who Paul was??? LOL He said yes he knew, but he wasn't
impressed and seeing how they (the store) had already paid for the guitar
Ovation should butt out. To make a long story short they ended up wire
transfering the money (FULL LIST PRICE NO DISCOUNT) to the store before it
was delivered. In a related story, Linda wanted a Fender rhodes for the
session and went and tried it out at the store, but insisted they send one
over brand new in the box. The boss man was in the parking lot (with Allen
and Paul) of the studio when the one that was on the floor was delivered and
they got all pissed off cause it was not a new one in the box. He expalined
that the new ones had to be set up and tuned and very often worked in before
they were playable, but she insisted on the new one. The guys left the one
they brought first in the parking lot and hurried back to get the NEW one.
When they got back they opened up the new one and set it up and she played
it and then played the other one and then went back to the first and finally
admitted that he was right and that she would take the first one. After she
had gone into the studio the boss man said, "who WAS that bitch!". Paul got
a little (not much) preturbed and answered, "That was me wife!". The boss
man never missed a beat and stubbed out his cigar in the oyster shell
covered parking lot and said, "You got a real problem there son!". Paul
laughed his ass off as well as everyone else that was there even though it
was probably one of the most embarrassing moments in rock history. Legend
has it that McCartney sent him Christmas cards after that episode (I never
saw them if he did).

Paz (still snickering)

on 12/5/01 1:50 PM, Randy Remote at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> They sound a bit different than wooden guitars.
> Then again, John McLaughlin, Paul McCartney, Nancy Wilson and
> others seem to like them!

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