nope, you have to go with your gut instinct on guitars (he he he)...truly,
if you like you like...if not...keep last years NAMM show i was
able to play a set in the Tayolor room...they let me pick any guitar in the
place! my about a kid in a candy shop...yet i gravitated
immediately to one guitar..& told them this is the one, it doesn't take me
long to figure it out & the rep said that is the exact thing we are using in
our my instincts say, a few minutes with a guitar & you know if its
right or wrong...

thanks for all the advice. i have decided not to go with it - i really
thought i was being petty as i love everything about it, the action, the
sound, the pick-ups, the looks (except for the plastic part), and the price.
just the way the rounded back makes it sit on my lap, or even hang from its
strap, i found to be awkward. i was told i was being petty, & that id soon
get used to it etc, - but i see others feel the same way, so i think perhaps
im not just being petty.<<<
Kate Bennett
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