When the the glory of the setting sun is
laid to rest this evening, signifying the first night
of Hanukkah, I will place our menorah in the window
and listen as Brian sings the traditional blessings.

The Jewish festival of Hanukkah begins at sundown with
the lighting of the first candle on the menorah, and it
continues until sunset December 17th. It is the beginning
of the eight day festival of lights.

One additional candle is lit each evening, using a
candle called the shamash to light the candles. There are
nine candles in total, the shamash, (the helper) and eight other
candles,one for each night. The candles are lit from right to left just
as Hebrew is read from right to left.

The holiday is celebrated beginning on the 25th day
of the month of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar, which
is currently in the year 5762.

The Hebrew word Hanukkah means dedication. The
people rededicated their temple after many of the
beautiful furnishings had been destroyed.

The Jewish soldiers and Judah Macabaeus, who led them
into the resistance after the death of his father Mattathias,
cleaned the temple. They wanted to prepare a big celebration
for the rededication.

They searched everywhere for oil to light the menorah, which
by tradition was kept lighted at all times. But they could find
only enough oil to light the menorah for one day.

According to the traditional story, a miracle happened and the oil
lasted for eight days - the time it took to produce more oil.

This is one of the many ways that Brian and I
integrate our lives and our love for each another,
as we continue along our life long journey together.

It is my honour and privilege to be included in this
beloved ritual that is an integral part of my Brian's life,
heart, soul, and spirit.

thank you to Brian and to our beloved brother Wally's
touching post within which he shares
how he celebrates this special time of year.

It is with love and respect that I honour this special tradition.

always and always,

And this loving is a drawing close,
a tuning in, an opening.
Until one perfect moment;
but how can it be expressed?
A receiving, an enfolding
as I cradle you in my arms.
Within my heart, within my soul,
You are my true love.

     --Lui Collins


                 / /\_,

I've got you to see me through, looking out for what I do
Spreading sunshine from the skies, placing rainbows in my eyes
Got you watching out for me, making sense of what I see
When my world is wearing blue, I've got you to see me through
---by Eleanor McEvoy on her album Yola (2001)
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